Fund advisor
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Future prediction
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Fund house
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This section shows fund advisors working along with Ajay Garg at Aditya Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund fund house.
Note: You can click on the name of any fund advisor to visit that fund advisor's page.
This section shows the historic performance chart of funds managed by Ajay Garg in comparison to benchmark. Performance of every fund advisor is calculated as the equi-weighted performance of all funds managed by the specific fund advisor (after de-duplicating for fund variants).
Fund advisors having steady performance and low risk are managing their funds well.
This section shows the risk-return profile of funds managed by Ajay Garg in comparison to other fund advisors. Performance of every fund advisor is calculated as the equi-weighted performance of all funds managed by the specific fund advisor (after de-duplicating for fund variants).
Risk is defined as the maximum peak-to-trough (a.k.a max. drawdown) fall in percentage terms of a fund advisor's performance. Fund advisors at the top of the grid have shown less risk while fund advisors at the bottom of the grid have shown high risk.
Return is defined as the annualised return of a fund advisor. Fund advisors at the right of the grid have delivered high returns while fund advisors at the left of the grid have delivered low returns.
Fund advisors on the top-right hand corner of this chart are delivering strong risk-adjusted returns and are therefore managing their funds well.
Note: You can click on any data point of this chart to visit that fund advisor's page.
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