This section lists your portfolios and shows holdings of the selected portfolio.
If you want to edit or add a new portfolio, visit the Add/Edit portfolios page.
Login to create and analyse your mutual funds portfolios.
This section shows the cumulative allocation of holdings within your mutual funds portfolio.
Mutual funds within a sector typically invest in the same (popular) instruments. This can skew your portfolio holding by magnifying exposure to specific stock(s) or debt instruments.
The cumulative allocation table is very important for understanding the risk profile of your portfolio. It shows net portfolio exposure to each instrument (in value and percentage terms). Clicking on the expand button on each instrument's row shows further details on which funds are contributing to that allocation and by how much.
Login to view cumulative allocation of your portfolios.
This section shows your portfolio level allocation per sector and per instrument.
The charts in this section help you quickly understand your portfolio's exposure to each sector and instrument (in percentage terms).
Login to view portfolio level allocations per sector and per instrument.